
—Where did you get to know Xiao Zhan? —It was in a TV show called YOUNG FOREVER ________ he sang man

英语试题 02-21
—Where did you get to know Xiao Zhan?
—It was in a TV show called YOUNG FOREVER ________ he sang many old and new songs with Na Ying.
A. that B. there C. which D. where
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:——你在哪里知道肖战的?——那是在一个叫《永葆青春》的电视节目里,他和那英唱了许多新老歌。分析句子可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词为YOUNG FOREVER,且从句为完整的句子,不缺少任何成分,YOUNG FOREVER 在从句中作地点状语,故应用关系副词where。故选D。
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