
One peaceful afternoon, I open a photo album. I turn to a photo of a nice old man

英语试题 05-02

文章大意:本文为记叙文。文章讲述“我”在翻看相册时,一位曾经见过一次而引以为荣的老人勾起了“我”对他的回忆,那就是传奇式人物——二战“飞虎队”成员之一的Louis T. Sneddon。他的勇敢深深地打动着“我”。
4.B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“They served in China before the United States officially got involved in World War Ⅱ.”他们在美国正式参加二战之前在中国服役。故选B。
5.A 细节理解题。根据文章第六段中The main task was to patrol (巡逻) and attack ships moving between Japan, China and the Pacific islands. Bomb runs would fly low under the radar, drop their bombs and fly over the ships.These were considered to be the most dangerous missions of the war.(主要任务是巡逻和攻击在日本,中国和太平洋岛屿之间航行的船只。 炸弹会在雷达下低空飞行,投下炸弹,然后飞过船只。这些被认为是这次战争中最危险的任务)。由此可知,Louis T. Sneddon的任务是极其困难和危险的。故选A。
6.A 标题判断题。根据文章第一段中One peaceful afternoon, I open a photo album. I turn to a photo of a nice old man I had the honor to meet once. The memories rush back. That old man was not only kind, but also a legend. He was once one of the glorious “Flying Tigers”.(一个宁静的下午,我打开一本相册。我转向一张我有幸见过一次面的和蔼可亲的老人的照片。记忆就会涌上心头。那位老人不仅善良,而且是个传奇人物。他曾经是光荣的“飞虎队”之一)由此可知,文章主要讲述了“我”在翻看相册时,一位曾经见过一次而引以为荣的老人勾起了“我”的回忆,那就是传奇式人物——二战“飞虎队”成员之一的Louis T. Sneddon。故本文是介绍曾是“飞虎队”成员之一的Louis T. Sneddon。故A项(“飞虎队”成员之一)作为标题能够概括文章中心,较为贴切。故选A。
7.A 推理判断题。根据文章第一段The memories rush back. That old man was not only kind, but also a legend. He was once one of the glorious “Flying Tigers”.(记忆就会涌上心头。那位老人不仅善良,而且是个传奇人物。他曾经是光荣的“飞虎队”之一)以及全文判断出,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了纪念一个勇敢的战士。故选A。
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