
He really did look like a tourist, with a camera around his neck and a bottle of sunscreen

英语试题 05-02

4.B 细节理解题。根据第一段“He really did look like a tourist, with a camera around his neck and a bottle of sunscreen cream sticking out of his bag. The fat man sat on the terrace (平台),sipping lemonade and pretending to look at a tourism brochure.” 他看起来真的像个游客,脖子上挂着相机,包里还带着一瓶防晒霜。胖子坐在露台上,喝着柠檬水,假装在看旅游手册。由此可知,胖子带着旅客常带的东西,故选B。
5.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“he hadn't turned a page for the last ten minutes.” 他已经十分钟没有翻页了。可知他是假装在看宣传册。故选C。
6.D 推理判断题。根据第二段“The car accident. The mysterious stranger who helped me out of my crashed car, just before it exploded.”可知, 那个神秘的陌生人在我的车爆炸前帮我从撞坏的车中出来。最后一段“The night of my car accident, I was heading for an interview in an illegal dance club....” 车祸发生的那天晚上,我正要去一家非法舞蹈俱乐部参加面试...... 。由此可推断出作者去面试前发生车祸而没有去面试。故选D。
7.B 推理判断题。第三段“I moved his saucer and found his tip, along with a card:I am deeply grateful to you. T... thanks to you. God bless you! Mr. D.”可知,我移了他的盘子,发现了他给的小费,还有一张卡片:“我非常感激你。愿上帝保佑你!D先生”。第四段“The night of my car accident, I was heading for an interview in an illegal dance club. Seeing human kindness through his heroic gesture turned my life around and brought faith back into my life. I said a silent prayer for him and got back to work, smiling.” 车祸当晚,我正前往一家非法舞蹈俱乐部接受面试。他的英雄行为让我看到了人性的善良,使我的生活发生了变化,并使我对生活重挫拾信心。...我默默地为他祈祷,由此可知,这个人救了作者的命并让其对生活重拾信心,作者为此感谢他。由此可推断出他们想互感激。故选B。
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