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英语试题 08-26

  C. It helps the viruses become resistant to drugs.
  D.It accelerates the speed at which the viruses spread.
34. What did the researchers discover in their gene-editing study?
  1. The modified cells seemed to protect the mice against viral infections.
  2. Genetically modified mice died because they lacked the protein.
  3. More methyltransferase SETD3 was produced after the cells were modified.
  4. The gene-editing technique was more effective against enteroviruses than rhinoviruses.
  1. What do the researchers most probably do next, according to Carette?
  1. Conduct experiments on genetically modified humans.
  2. Apply this gene-editing technique to control other viruses.
  3. Identify a drug that can help reduce the protein.
  4. Find a chemical that can cure all enteroviruses and rhinoviruses.
答案   32-35 CBAC 

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