
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 No matter how hard you work to keep your customers satisfi

英语试题 08-26
No matter how hard you work to keep your customers satisfied, you’re bound to come up against one or two who have a negative experience with your product or service.  36 However, it’s your job to address the customer’s concerns and give them a reason to come back to your brand. Below are the techniques that have worked in calming any angry customer.
      37  It may seem like common sense for companies to respond as soon as possible, if not immediately, to an upset customer. The longer that customer has to wait, the angrier they’ll get and the more likely they are to write a bad review. A quick acknowledgement and show of concern will go a long way.
    Just listen. Active listening is an essential skill in managing a team. It’s just as important for providing good customer service—especially when someone is upset.   38  Then let them know you understand and sympathize with their disappointment.
    Remain calm and ask them what they want to happen. If the No.1 rule of customer service is that the customer is always right, the second rule is to remain calm. Even in the face of angry customers, keeping a level head will have a naturally calming effect on them.
    Give them the time to explain exactly what they’re upset about.   39  Sometimes a little compromise might be needed on their part depending upon that solution.
Get on the phone. In today’s period of social media, customers feel very comfortable airing their frustrations from behind a keyboard.   40  Most of the time if you call and explain your side—and listen to theirs— you can work things out.
  1. Give them time to express their concerns.
  2. Respond immediately.
  3. It may not necessarily be your fault.
  4. You might as well ask them questions, too.
  5. Putting yourself in their shoes can solve problems quickly.
  6. Ask what they feel is an appropriate solution and do your best to make that happen.
  7. It is recommended that reaching out to them personally on the phone resolve the issue.
答案36-40 CBAFG
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