
The running buffalo clover(a plant) used to spread across eight states, from Virginia to Arkansas. T

英语试题 01-16

8. C    9. A    10. B    11. C
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Researchers believed the plant was extinct, which had not been spotted since 1940s—until a population was found in West Virginia in 1983.(研究人员认为这种植物已经灭绝了,自从20世纪40年代以来,人们就没有发现过这种植物,直到1983年在西弗吉尼亚州发现了一个种群)”可知,水牛三叶草在被重新发现之前,人们认为它已经灭绝了。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Biologist Rodney Bartgis came across a patch of running buffalo clover in 1983.(1983年,生物学家Rodney Bartgis偶然发现了一片正在生长的水牛三叶草)”可知,Rodney Bartgis偶然发现了三叶草。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“In the Fernow Forest in West Virginia, Gundy, a research forester, realized the skidders used to pull trees had helped ensure the clover's growth before anyone knew it was there. So in her work monitoring the population in Fernow, Gundy runs over the clover with a skidder. "You need to remember to agitate it,“ she says.(在西弗吉尼亚州的费尔诺森林里,一位林业研究人员发现,用于拉树的滑靴在人们发现三叶草存在之前帮助确保了它的生长。因此,在她在Fernow监测三叶草种群数量时,她用一个打滑器碾过了三叶草。她说:“你需要记住要搅乱它。”)”可知,Gundy建议我们把水牛三叶草弄乱。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Even if it is delisted, biologists from the USFWS will observe populations for years closely to ensure that the species is secure.(即使它被除名,美国野生动物管理局的生物学家也将对其种群进行数年的密切观察,以确保该物种的安全)”可推知,美国野生动物管理局会小心保护三叶草。故选C。
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