
林书豪(Jeremy Lin)在NBA的优异表现在全球掀起了一股"林旋风"。近期某网站就林书豪现象对网民进行了

英语作文范文 05-01

林书豪(Jeremy Lin)在NBA的优异表现在全球掀起了一股"林旋风"。近期某网站就林书豪现象对网民进行了一次调查,结果见下表。请根据下面表格的文字内容和饼状图,用英语写一篇短文,短文内容须包括表中提供的所有信息。
Recently, a survey on Jeremy Lin has been conducted among netizens on a website.

Recently, a survey on Jeremy Lin has been conducted among netizens on a website. People surveyed have various opinions about his success and his future. Some of them consider diligence as an important factor of his success. Some of them think Lin possesses a remarkable talent for basketball. It is also believed that the education he has received contributes to his success. Others think of luck as one of the factors leading to his success.

    As for Lin’s possible achievements in the future, 70% of them believe that he will make more achievements in NBA than Yao Ming, while 20% of them hold the opposite opinion. The rest have no idea about the matter.
    Jeremy Lin has many good qualities that we can learn from. We are supposed to aim high and make every effort to achieve great success. In addition, we should try our best to overcome whatever difficulties we meet, instead of losing heart. Only by doing so can we realize our dreams in the future.


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