
I’ve spent two decades observing what makes people lucky and trying to help people

英语试题 05-02

4.D 细节理解题。根据第三段的A couple of months later, I told him I was doing a project on transforming the book, the future of publishing and invited him to come to my class.(几个月后,我告诉他我正在做这本书的改造工作,关于未来的出版,并邀请他来我的课堂)可知,飞机上的经历,让作者决定改造他的书。D. the experience made him transform his book(这个经历让他改造自己的书)符合以上说法,故选D项。
5.B 推理判断题。根据第二段的So about three quarters through the night, I decided to take another risk. I showed him a book plan I was doing in my class.(过了大约四分之三的夜晚,我决定再冒一次险。我给他看了我在课堂上做的读书计划)及A few months later, I wrote to him again, sending a bunch of video clips (剪辑) from another project my students had made. He was so stricken by one of them that he thought there was a book in it.(几个月后,我又给他写了一封信,把学生们做的另一个项目的一些视频剪辑发给了他。他被其中一本书深深地打动了,以为里面有一本书)可推测,作者把学生的视频剪辑和书一起寄过去的目的是帮助增加自己的运气。B. To help to increase his luck(为了帮助增加他的运气)符合以上推测,故选B项。
6.D 主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是一段的I’ve spent two decades observing what makes people lucky and trying to help people increase their luck.和二段的With my students, I spend much time encouraging them to get out of their comfort zone and take some risks. I do this myself all the time.可知,本文主要讲述作者近二十年一直在研究使得人们幸运的是什么,并且帮助他人增加幸运的机会。作者一直鼓励学生走出舒适区并做出一些冒险,而作者本人也一直坚持这样做。D. Luck and Risk(运气和冒险)可以作为本文标题,故选D项。
7.B 推理判断题。根据第二段的About a dozen years ago, during a flight, I decided to take a little risk.(大约12年前,在一次飞行中,我决定冒一点险)及第三段的So about three quarters through the night, I decided to take another risk.(所以,过了大约四分之三的夜晚,我决定再冒一次险)和第三段的A few months later, I wrote to him again, sending a bunch of video clips (剪辑) from another project my students had made. He was so stricken by one of them that he thought there was a book in it.(几个月后,我再次写信给他,把一堆我学生做的另一个项目的视频剪辑寄给他。他被其中的一个深深感动了,认为可以写一本书)可知,出版商拒绝之后,作者一直没有放弃,冒着拒绝的风险提升幸运的机会,最终成功的出版了这本书。由此推测,作者认为是一些小的冒险让他成功了。B. A series of small risks(一系列小的冒险)符合以上说法,故选B项。
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