
On winter, a fisherman — Jim Savage — was braving the freezing temperatures when

英语试题 05-02

8.B 细节理解题。根据第一段的Jim spoke to her and she calmed down as he cut her free from the line. (吉姆对她讲话,她平静了下来,他把她从绳子上救下来)可知,吉姆的话让她平静了下来。B. Jim’s words.(吉姆的话)符合以上说法,故选B项。
9.D 推理判断题。根据第一段的Seeing she was too tired to swim away, he called the Wildlife Conservation Commission and they rescued the dolphin, named her Winter and took her back to the center to get treatment.(看到她累得游不动了,他打电话给野生动物保护中心,他们救了这只海豚,给她取名为冬天,并带她回到治疗中心接受治疗)可推测,吉姆打电话给野生动物保护中心是让他们来看这只海豚。D. To look at the baby dolphin.(来看这只小海豚)符合以上说法,故选D项。
10.C 细节理解题。根据第二段的Eventually all that was left was a fleshy stump (残肢). Though Winter did eventually start to swim, she taught herself an entirely original way — to swing her tail stump from side to side like a fish.(但是,缠在冬天尾巴上的鱼线使她的尾巴一片片地脱落了。最终,冬天开始了游泳,但她自学了一种完全独创的方法——像鱼一样左右摆动尾巴)第四段的But her trainers were worried, her original moving way prevented her from growing properly.(但她的训练员很担心,她最初的移动方式妨碍了她的正常生长)可知,训练员担心小海豚的伤最终会对她的生长造成影响。C. The effect of the damage on Winter.(受伤给冬天造成的影响)符合以上说法,故选C项。
11.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的Now she seems to connect with everyone — from adults with prostheses to a little girl who didn’t want to wear her hearing aid until she met Winter.(现在,她似乎和每个人都有了联系——从戴着假肢的成年人到直到遇到冬天才戴上助听器的小女孩)可知,Winter这只海豚带给了许多人鼓励和帮助。由此推测,作者认为这件事情的结局是美好的。故选A项。
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