
阅读理解 My father had died when I was young, so if I didn't acknowledge my mother's birthday,

英语试题 09-20

推理判断题。根据第二段的but there were plenty of things I did appreciate, so I wrote a letter expressing my appreciation for what she had taught me.(但,有很多我需要感谢的东西,所以我写了一封信来表达她教会我的东西)和She taught me how to see the shapes in the clouds. She taught me to appreciate the way the air smelled after a rain ...(她教我如何看到云的形状,她教我懂得欣赏雨后空气的味道…..)可推测,作者从妈妈那里学会了探索自然美丽的重要性,她因此而感激她。D. It's of great importance to explore the beauty of nature.(探索自然的美是非常重要的)符合以上推测,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段的While cleaning out her house, I came across a photocopy of the birthday letter可知,作者在打扫妈妈的家时发现了一份信的复印件;和There was one in the kitchen drawer and one taped to the inside of the kitchen cabinet. I also found one in a drawer in both bathrooms, another in the living room and two more in her bedroom.可知,厨房抽屉和厨房储藏阁里各一份,两个卫生间的抽屉里各有一份,起居室一份,妈妈的房间两份。即总共有8份信的复印件。C. Eight.(8份)符合以上说法,故选C项。
词句猜测题。上文提到的作者的妈妈把信复印成很多份,放在家里的各个地方,再结合划线句子I realized at that moment that the best things I could have given my mother weren't really things at all.(我那时才意识到我给妈妈最好的东西根本就不是真的东西。)猜测,这句话的意思是:作者意识到,妈妈珍惜自己通过礼物向她表达的爱意,而非礼物本身。所以,妈妈才会把信复印成很多分,放在家里所有自己能看到的地方。A. What her mother value was her love not the gift itself.(她的妈妈珍惜的是她对她的爱,并非礼物本身)符合以上说法,故选A项。
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