
读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Rescue in a Bottle Curtis Whitson had rafted down the Arroyo Se

英语作文范文 08-22

1. 夜幕降临,他们搭起帐篷,狼吞虎咽地吃了一顿简单的晚餐。
The night falling, they put up a tent and wolfed down a simplified dinner. 
2. 突然传来低沉的嗡嗡声,惠斯顿抬起头环顾四周,发现远处有架直升机。
Suddenly a low, buzzing sound appearing, Whiston raised his head glanced around and spotted a helicopter in the distance. 
3. 血涌到他的脸上,心脏剧烈地跳动,他跳起来,大声喊叫。
Blood rushing to his face and heart palpitating fiercely, he leapt to his feet and yelled at the top of his voice.
4. 然而,直升机的声音淹没了他。直升机在令人窒息的黑暗中盘旋了一会儿,渐渐消失了。
However, the sound of the helicopter drowned him out. The helicopter hovered for a while and faded in the suffocating darkness. 
5. 一股疲惫和绝望的浪潮席卷了他。
A tide of exhaustion and despair washed over him.
6. 惠斯顿感觉到亨特眼中流露出绝望的光芒,弯下腰来紧紧拥抱他,安慰说他们会安全的。
Sensing the desperate gleam in Hunter's eyes, Whiston bent over to give him a tight embrace, comforting that they would be safe.
7. 一看到地平线上的黑点,惠斯顿生起了一堆烟熏火。
At the sight of the black dot on the horizon, Whiston made a smoky fire. 
8. 浓烟袅袅上升,慢慢升上天空,他紧紧地握着双手,在内心深处祈祷它会奏效。
The heavy smoke curling upward slowly into the sky, he clasped his hands tightly, praying in the depth of his heart that it would work. 
9. 在橙色的天空下,黑点越来越大,他们获救的希望也越来越大。
The black dot grew larger and larger against the orange sky, so was their hope of being rescued.
10. 似乎过了几个世纪,直升机终于在他们上空停了下来,放下了一名救援人员。
After what seemed like centuries, the helicopter finally came to a halt over them and lowered a rescuer. 
11. 伴随着无法抗拒的情绪波动,亨特情不自禁地跌宕起伏。
Bubbling with overwhelming ectasy, Hunter couldn't help bouncing ups and downs. 
12. 他们最终逃了出来。
They eventually made it to escape from the nightmare. 
13. 在愉快的聊天中,他们得知正是瓶子里的信息救了他们。
During their pleasant chat, they learned it was exactly the message in the bottle that saved them. 
It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where they’d had lunch. The night falling, they put up a tent and wolfed down a simplified dinner. Suddenly a low, buzzing sound appearing, Whiston raised his head glanced around and spotted a helicopter in the distance. Blood rushing to his face and heart palpitating fiercely, he leapt to his feet and yelled at the top of his voice. However, the sound of the helicopter drowned him out the helicopter hovered for a while and faded in the suffocating darkness. A tide of exhaustion and despair washed over him. Sensing the desperate gleam in Hunter's eyes, Whiston bent over to give him a tight embrace, comforting that they would be safe.
The next morning the helicopter returned. At the sight of the black dot on the horizon, Whiston made a smoky fire. The heavy smoke curling upward slowly into the sky, he clasped his hands tightly, praying in the depth of his heart that it would work. The black dot grew larger and larger against the orange sky, so was their hope of being rescued. After what seemed like centuries, the helicopter finally came to a halt over them and lowered a rescuer. Bubbling with overwhelming ectasy, Hunter couldn't help bouncing ups and downs. They eventually made it to escape from the nightmare. During their pleasant chat, they learned it was exactly the message in the bottle that saved them. 
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