
Back to the City 当人类的活动受到限制,野生动物正在悄悄回到曾经属于它们的世界

英语试题 04-26

Back to the City
With a growing number of countries going under coronavirus lockdowns (封锁), humans have been retreating to their homes. ____1____
Wild pigs have descended from the hills around Barcelona, Spain. Sika deer (梅花鹿) are nosing their way around the metro stations of Nara, Japan. Gangs of wild turkeys have been walking proudly on the streets of Oakland, California.
A puma (美洲狮) turned up in the center of Santiago, Chile. “This is the habitat it once had and that we’ve taken away from it,” said Marcelo Giagnoni, the head of Chile’s agricultural and livestock service that later helped the police capture the curious big cat.
Birds that normally live in urban parks, such as sparrows (麻雀) and pigeons, are likely to venture beyond their usual territories (地盘). Their dawn and dusk choruses (合唱) have been bringing comfort to many quarantined (被隔离的) city dwellers, though Jerome Sueur at the French Natural History Museum said that doesn’t mean there are more urban birds than before. ____2____
____3____ Species such as the common toad (蟾蜍) and the spotted salamander (斑点蝾螈) are being spared from being crushed while crossing busy roads in haste to find a mate. With few dog walkers on the streets, baby deer are also getting a peaceful start at life, while Mediterranean gulls (海鸥) who nest along the sandy banks of rivers are being left undisturbed.
It is the same for plants. Wild orchids — which are supposed to be protected — are often picked by walkers when they blossom (开花) in late April and May. This year they will be spared that fate. And unmowed (没有修剪的) lawns will be a reward for bees and butterflies.
For Jean-Noel Rieffel of the French Office for Biodiversity, however, the most important phenomenon is perhaps how our relationship with nature has changed. ____4____ British ornithologist (鸟类学家) David Lindo has been live streaming (直播) birds he spots from the roof of the building in Spain where he has been quarantined. He told his new-found followers, “The sky is a great arena (活动场所); anything can fly past and, at the very least, it will give you peace.”
However, there are also downsides to the lockdown for nature. Work to limit invasive species has been almost completely stopped as well as efforts to help endangered species. And when the lockdown finally ends, “people will have a need of nature and there is a risk of too many visitors [to natural parks], which won’t be good for plants or animals,” warned Rieffel. ____5____
(节选自Reader’s digest)


A. Nature’s respite (休息) from man may be rather short-lived.
B. It is actually due to the fact that we can hear them better with the reduction in traffic noise.
C. This promises to be a spring and possibly a summer of love for the animal kingdom.
D. Wild animals, however, are slipping out to explore the empty streets of some of our biggest cities.
E. They change their behavior very quickly: When a place becomes quiet, they’re not shy about going straight in there.
F. With our worlds reduced to a few square meters, we have suddenly realized how much we miss nature.
G. The timing could not have been better as animals are coming into the mating (交配) season.

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