
Most new runners assume that the best way to improve is simply to run greater

英语试题 05-02

28.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Most new runners assume that the best way to improve is simply to run greater and greater distances.  While it’s true that going farther and faster will improve your running skills,…”可知,大多数新跑步者认为,要提高跑步技能,最好方法是跑步速度更快、距离更远。 故选A项。
29.C 推理判断题。14%的跑步者会经历背部疼痛。第一段中关于一项新研究的介绍中分析了原因,“The results of the new study seem to suggest that weak deep core muscles might be to blame.  When these muscles aren’t strong enough, the study found, muscles on other areas of the body kick in to keep the runner up-right, eventually leading to back pain. (这项新研究的结果似乎表明,脆弱的深层核心肌肉可能是罪魁祸首。 研究发现,当这些肌肉不够强壮时,身体其他部位的肌肉会起作用,跑步者保持向上的姿势,最终导致背部疼痛)”可以推断,这项新的研究表明,跑步者背部疼痛是因为深层核心肌肉太弱。如果深层核心肌肉强壮,就能够预防跑步时背部疼痛。故选C项。
30.D 推理判断题。根据第三段中关于跑步时表层肌肉和深层核心肌肉所起作用的研究的描述,“While the surface muscles are often targeted in workouts… they are pretty useless when it comes to supporting your spine (脊柱).  The deeper core muscles, …do all the heavy spinal lifting. ( 虽然在锻炼中人们看到的是表层肌肉,但是当涉及到支撑你的脊柱时,表层肌肉是无用的。 更深层的核心肌肉负责所有的繁重的脊椎挺立的任务。)”,因此可以推断,跑步时先起到作用的可能是深层核心肌肉。故选D项。
31.A 推理判断题。根据第四段中“But they will probably help you run better and definitely help prevent potential back pain.  Perhaps throwing a nice long plank (平板支撑) may work. ”可知,作者认为做平板支撑对跑步者有好处,可以提高深层的核心肌肉力量,能够帮助你跑得更好,有助于预防背部疼痛。由此判断出平板支撑使跑步者受益。 故选A项。
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