
Many developed countries including Canada and New Zealand are so beautiful that a great many

英语试题 05-10
1. Many developed countries including Canada and New Zealand are so beautiful that a great many people from other countries want to a__________ for right to live there.
2. Looking at the map, it o__________ to me that California is a state with a diversity of cultures.
3. As far as I am concerned, when an old policy can’t adjust to the society, a new one should be substituted for it, which we called r__________.
4. A survey has i__________ that drinking tea is not only a habit but also a life style of Cantonese, which I also get used to it.
5. The economic b__________ has benefited a majority of people from mountainous areas, bringing them comfortable life, abundant housing conditions and adequate incomes, which owes to our government.
6. A son of your brother’s is your n        .
7. Teachers are supposed to be fair to their students without d        .
8. The c         are grazing (吃草) on the other side of the hill.
9. Since the r         and opening up, our homeland, China, has made great achievements in all aspects.
10. The American C         War broke out in 1861 and ended in 1865.
1. apply 由空格后面的for right to (申请……的权利)可知此处填apply。
2. occurs 句型it occurs to sb. that是指某人忽然想起……
3. reform 由old policy…be substituted可知,就政策被新政策取代了,故用reform.。
4. indicated 由A survey及空格后面的内容可知,此处用indicated(表明)。
5. boom  由benefited及comfortable life and adequate incomes可知此处用economic boom (经济繁荣)。
6. nephew 根据主语的含义可知。 
7. distinction 根据前面的be fair to their students可知填distinction。without distinction意为“毫无差别地、一视同仁地”。
8. cattle 由谓语动词的意思可得。  
9. reform 根据空后的and opening up 可知填reform。the reform and opening up意为“改革开放”。
10. Civil 构成专有名词the American Civil War“美国内战”。
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