
"I'm going to learn at least one dish each week. You just need to sit back and watch."

英语试题 05-27
"I'm going to learn at least one dish each week. You just need to sit back and watch." I got off the phone with my mom and clicked on the TV-box-shaped icon (图标)of YouTube. We were just having a bet about whether I would ever be able to teach myself to cook without her step-by-step guidance.
Technology has revolutionized the way we learn. That was what I believed then. However, after two weeks of watching those instructional videos, the reality of my barely improved cooking struck me in the face. To be honest, the result didn't come off as too much of a shock. Deep down, I had always known that perfection relies in no small part on endless hours of meaningful practice.
I am not alone in experiencing this type of failure. With an impressive variety of online resources at our fingertips, it is natural that we use them to our advantage and learn new skills through "watching" them.
There's nothing ineffective about this kind of learning in itself However, a recent study published in Psychological Science shows that if you watch an expert performing a skill unknown to you for too long, it will raise your self-confidence in a way that it arouses (激发)your unrealistic expectations of yourself The dissonance between your true ability and your false view of it can have a negative influence on your learning outcome. You might become as discouraged as I was. And if your determination isn't strong enough, you might just give up halfway.
If right now you are considering learning something new through watching online videos, be it juggling pins (杂耍),ice-skating, or even Michael Jackson's timeless moonwalk, don't forget to mix it up with the tried-and-true method of practicing and repeating. And most importantly, try not to get caught up in the feel-good act of watching.
52. What do we know about the author?
A. She knew her failure resulted from lacking practice.
B. She was astonished at her failure to be a great cook.
C. She disagreed with her mom on how to cook.
D. She was misled by some so-called experts.
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