
阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 John was traveling by ship to Europe when a terrible storm came. A gre

英语试题 06-13
John was traveling by ship to Europe when a terrible storm came. A great leak was filling the ship with water. No matter how hard the sailors and passengers worked at the pumps, the water was still rising. The ship was sinking fast. There seemed to be no hope. But the captain told them not to give up hope. He said that there was hope so long as the ship remained above water. He promised that if they didn't give up hope, he would land them safely. The captain's powerful will moved them all. In the end he did land them safely.
After they landed, John found the captain to show his appreciation. But to his surprise, the captain said to him that he was the boy of 30 years ago who bought a geography book in his bookstore. John suddenly thought of the boy. At that time the boy didn't have enough money, but he had gone from shop to shop and believed he could get what he wanted. Finally, he made it. Now,it was the same willpower of him that saved the lives of all the passengers.
The story is about a captain with perseverance, even when he was a little boy. In one voyage,it was just his willpower that made him save all the passengers' lives.
The story reminds me of my classmate, Linda. In study, she lagged far behind us, but she did not give up. Instead, she kept a notebook in her pocket, and took it out to read on the bus, at the school gate and in the queue before the dining hall. Furthermore, she kept turning to the teacher for help after class. Finally she made great progress that she deserved.  
Many elements contribute to success, of which the most important is willpower. For one thing, a man of strong will never gives up before any difficulty, nor does he lose heart whatever happens. For another, when encountering inevitable hardships, persistent people tend to took up challenges bravely and worked even harder.
In short, willpower is more important than intelligence on the road to success.
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