
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 We live our lives in color from our earliest days. ___16

英语试题 08-02
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
We live our lives in color from our earliest days. ___16___ We use it both as a badge (标记) of identity and a way of expressing our individuality through decoration. And we use different colors to send out very different messages.
People need a sense of group identity.  ___17___  From his colorful traditional dress, other people in Peru know he comes from the Quechua community. We wear uniforms at school and work, and we dress in our favorite sports team colors to say the same thing:  ___18___ 
The Huli villager in the photo is getting ready for a local festival. He’s applying the traditional colors of red, black and white to his own personal face pattern.   ___19___  These days people are starting to experiment with brightly colored paints as well as traditional colors. In fashion-conscious Europe, the “in” color changes every season. This autumn, for example, women are wearing shades of purple.
___20___  Packaging and labels in eye-catching colors stand out on the supermarket shelf. And companies always select the color of their brand very carefully ——a calm blue for a bank stands for trust, dark green says quality, or brown and green means eco-friendliness.
A. How time flies!
B. We belong to this group.
C. Look at the schoolboy in the photo.
D. Tricks are often played somewhere.
E. Color plays a big part in everything we do.
F. Face-painting is an important part of the celebrations.
G. Marketing experts understand the power of color very well.
【答案】16. E    17. C    18. B    19. F    20. G
推理判断题。根据空后一句“From his colorful traditional dress. other people in Peru know he comes from the Quechua community”中的代词“his” 、“he”可知,待填句中应包含一个男性性别指向的词,故选C。
推理判断题。空格处为尾句,根据文章的总分结构可知本段主要围绕段首句“People need a sense of group identity.”来展开,空格处所填要与首句话题一致、前后呼应,说明人们需要一种群体的认同感和归属感,故答案为B。
推理判断题。本段讲述人们可以通过不同的颜色来体现个性,而面部彩绘在节日庆祝活动中就是一种展示个性的方式。空前的“face pattern”、“ a local festival"是重要提示,再根据话题一致原则,可知答案为F。
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