
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 In May 2018 my friend and I visited Brazil and decided to enric

英语试题 08-25
语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In May 2018 my friend and I visited Brazil and decided to enrich our travel experience by volunteering. We were coming from Bolivia and had    61    long ride towards the beach withnot many interesting tourist spots in between. Therefore, we chose one of the biggest agriculture regions    62    (be) the first destination of our volunteer experience. I found several    63    (choose) on the Work- Away website and finally decided for    64    was presented as a small farm run by a guy called Pedro.
We agreed on staying for one week. Eventually, we stayed a few days longer, becoming good friends    65    him. Life on the farm was much    66    (nice) than we originally thought, and we liked to put our hands in the soil of his little garden. It    67    (turn) out that Pedro’s small farm was part of a bigger farm with 600 cows and loads of fields of corn and soya (大豆). We    68    (introduce) to the products of the bigger farm as well and we were free to eat anything from the farm. The volunteering was    69    (honest) the best experience from our time    70    (spend) in Brazil.

61. a          62. to be          63. choices         64. what
65. with 66. nicer      67. turned          68. were introduced
69. honestly       70. spent
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