
阅读理解 A group of schoolchildren wear colorful jackets; holding hands, they leave for a woodland picni

英语试题 09-20

推理判断题。根据第一段所陈述恐怖的内容,再结合第二段的British road-safety ads are more shocking than those broadcast in America. The British have a preference for horror.(英国的道路安全广告比美国的那些广告要吓人。英国人偏爱恐怖)可推测,第一段描述的场景是为了提供一个英国血腥的道路安全广告的例子。C. To offer an example of British bloody ads.(为了提供一个英国血腥的广告例子)符合以上推测。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段的One showed tumors erupting out of cigarettes and the other showed more positive effects that also urged people to quit. The former proved more memorable, but the latter led more people to ring the national smoking helpline.(一个广告展示的肿瘤从香烟中爆发出来,而另一个展示的让人们戒烟的积极的效果。事实证明,前者更加令人难忘,但后者导致更多人拨打全国吸烟救助热线)可知,本段主要表明了戒烟的积极影响可以更好的说服人们戒烟。D. Showing the positive effects of giving up smoking can better persuade people to quit.(表明戒烟的积极影响可以更好地说服人们戒烟)符合题意。故选D项。
词义猜测题。根据划线部分的下文In 2008-09 the Department for Transport (DfT) spent almost £3million on its drink-drive advertising campaign. In 2013-14 spending fell to less than £l million.(在2008-2009年交通部花在酒驾广告上的花费是300万英镑。2013-2014年,开支降低到了不足100万英镑)可知,政府在公共信息上的开支在逐年减少。由此猜测,shrinking的意思是“减少,降低”。 B. Decreasing.(减少)符合题意。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第二段的It might reflect the nation’s long tradition of public-service broadcasting, which seeks to entertain and inform at once. But do the ads work?(这可能反应了英国公共广播服务的悠久传统,既要娱乐又要传达信息。但,这些广告有用吗?)和最后一段的And that is encouraging them to produce a great number of bloody ads. Less shocking ads might work better, but fewer people would see them.(这鼓励他们生产大量的血腥广告。不那么恐怖的广告效果可能更好,但更少的人会看到它们)可知,本文主要讲述了,为了吸引人们的眼球以及预算的减少,英国的公共信息广告更多地采用恐怖的画面,但这些血腥的广告有用吗?因为,事实证明积极的东西更能改变人们。A. Do Shocking Ads Really Work?(恐怖的广告真的有用吗?)可以作为本文标题。故选A项。
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