
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Dogs do not see the world in the same way that we do. They

英语试题 02-09
Dogs do not see the world in the same way that we do. They rely on their body language for communication. Read on to see the ways they SHOW their feelings and emotions through their actions and behaviors!
How They Bark
There are several reasons dogs bark. If it is loud and frequent, it might be something urgent. Perhaps they sense danger and want to let you know. _____36_____ Loud barking can also mean that they are in pain. Make sure to pay attention to figure it out!
On Your Feet
_____37_____ It might be a little annoying,but your dogs mean well! This is their way to show their love and loyalty. They only want to be as close to you as possible. It is behavior that they got from their ancestors when they used to run as a pack.
Eye Movement
In certain ways,dogs are like humans. _____38_____ They look at the ground when they feel tired or sad. Meanwhile, they open their eyes wide and look around when they are excited. A raised eyebrow might mean confusion.Make sure to take these all into account!
Barking At Nothing
Sometimes when our dogs are looking out the window and start barking, we notice there is nothing actually there for the dog to bark at, so why are they barking? _____39_____ Your house is their house, too,and they want any and all intruders(侵入者)to know that they are there.
If your dog refuses to eat when another dog or human is in the room with them, it is not because of any other reason except for the fact that they do not want to share their food with you. While humans likely don't think about this because we don't eat dog food, dogs don’t understand that!
A.Using Their Tails
B.Only Eating Alone
C.They tend to show emotions with their eyes as well.
D.They could be doing this because they are protecting your house.
E.Shorter and softer barks, meanwhile, mean that they want to play.
F.Dogs like to lie on your feet when you are eating dinner or watching TV.
G.They have been waiting for you to come back, and they cannot control their excitement.

答案36-40 EFCDB 

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