
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Negative thought patterns are a common concern. ___16___.

英语试题 02-15
Negative thought patterns are a common concern. ___16___. It is important to understand how to prevent negative thinking in order to reduce these negative consequences. Fortunately, you can learn to change your negative thinking habits by thinking more optimistically.
___17___ Write a list of everything, no matter how big or small, that you are thankful for. Good examples include things like your family, lover, pets, comfortable home, etc. This will help you to appreciate how many positive things there are in your life because it requires you to shift your focus to what you have instead of what you do not have.
Practice mindfulness. Engaging in mindfulness techniques has been shown to reduce negative automatic thoughts. Mindfulness helps us shift our focus off of the negative. ___18___. Shifting attention onto the positive prevents rumination (反复考虑),and it is an essential emotional regulation coping skill. Live in the present, not the future, and certainly not the past.
Treat each day as a new opportunity to achieve a goal. Life gives you new chances and opportunities at every moment. Setting goals for yourself can help to focus your energy on something positive instead of worrying about negative thinking. Make goals that are achievable and realistic. You can use a worksheet or create your own. ___19___ .
Accept change. This will prevent you from slipping into negative thoughts telling you that life is out to get you, when it isn't. Recognize that change is a part of life. Develop positive statements that help you accept change such as, “ ___20___,”  or “ Change opens new doors. ”
A. Acknowledge what you are grateful for
B. Focus only on the activity you are engaged in
C. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to
D. Things simply never work out the way we want to
E. When people have this ability, they have less depression and anxiety
F. Begin each day by focusing on what you are going to do to work toward your goals
G. The thoughts we have can impact our daily life including our emotions and behaviors
【答案】16. G    17. A    18. E    19. F    20. C
根据下文“It is important to understand how to prevent negative thinking in order to reduce these negative consequences.”可知,为了减少这些负面影响,了解如何防止消极思维是很重要的,G项(我们的想法会影响我们的日常生活,包括我们的情绪和行为)与下文形成因果关系,说的是防止消极的思维方式之所以重要的原因,故选G。
下文“Write a list of everything, no matter how big or small, that you are thankful for.”(将你所感激的一切,无论大小,列成清单)和This will help you to appreciate how many positive things there are in your life.(这会帮助你认识到生活中有很多积极的事情)说明本段内容与“感激”有关,A项中的grateful与下文thankful 和appreciate 一致,故选A。
上文“Mindfulness helps us shift our focus off of the negative.”(正念可以帮助我们把注意力从消极的事情上转移走),E项(当人们有了这种能力,他们的抑郁和焦虑就会减少)承接上文,说明正念的作用,故选E。
根据上文“Make goals that are achievable and realistic.”可知,要制定切实可行的目标,F项(每天专注于你将要做的事情,朝着你的目标努力)承接上文,并呼应主题句“Treat each day as a new opportunity to achieve a goal”,故选F。
根据上文“Develop positive statements that help you accept change such as”(用积极的话语帮助你接受改变,比如)和下文““ Change opens new doors. ””可知,此处举一句积极想法的例子。C项(一切都会按计划进行的)符合语境,与Change opens new doors.是两个并列的积极的想法的例子,故选C。
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