
I am a parent of a disabled teenager. My son is in and out of hospital and school. His learning disa

英语试题 03-09

46. A    47. B    48. C    49. C    50. B
细节理解题。文章第三段提到“I am doing a PhD at a Russell Group university”,第四段首句提到“I am starting to win awards for my research…There's just one problem: I can't get funding.”,文章第七段中提到“When I started my PhD and realised that I would need financial help… I spoke to a vice dean and a chaplain…. So I gave up, decided to apply annually for the studentships and kept my parttime job.”作者在一所大学读博士,并且她的研究开始获奖,但是她需要资助。在咨询了学生咨询办公室和研究院后,都说不能解决资金问题。作者就去和副院长和牧师谈这个问题。然后还是放弃了,决定每年申请一次学生奖学金,保留兼职工作。 根据事情发生的先后顺序应是dabc。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第五段中“The decision maker…told me ‘it all comes down to excellent academic results’”可知,当作者申请学生奖学金被拒绝时,决策者告诉她说“这一切都归结于优秀的学术成绩。”意思是决策者认为她的学习成绩不够好。故选B项。
推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者因为要照顾残疾的儿子,被迫辞职。后来在一所大学读博士做研究 ,需要资金支持,但一再遭到拒绝。根据文章倒数第二段中“UCAS announced this year that young carers will now be able to identify themselves in their applications, so that universities will be able to support them. But how is this going to happen if staff at these institutions don't even know what a carer is?( 学院招生服务中心今年宣布,年轻的负责照顾小孩的人现在可以在申请中表明自己的身份,这样大学就能支持他们。但如果这些机构的工作人员甚至不知道看护人是什么意思,这怎么可能发生呢? )”和最后一段中“The student welfare vice president at the union has finally agreed with me that carers are an under-supported and under-represented group on campus.”作者认为看护人在校园里是没有得到充分支持和代表的群体。因此可以推断,作者认为看护人应该得到关注和帮助。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“ It is fascinating: underrepresented characters!Hidden histories! Diversity!(这是令人着迷的:代表性的人物!隐藏的历史!多样性。)”中的“fascinating”可知,作者觉得研究历史剧中的非白人主角让她着迷,因此可以看出她对这项研究很感兴趣的,也充满了热情。故选C项。
推理判断题。通读全文,作者因为要照顾残疾的儿子,被迫辞职。后来在一所大学读博士做研究 ,需要资金支持。但是
一再遭到拒绝。第五段中提到“When I was turned down for the last studentship I applied for(当我申请学生奖学金被拒绝)”,第六段中提到“Someone with my background is never going to get a studentship(像我这样背景的人是永远也得不到奖学金的)”,第七段中提到“…then offered me advice on benefits, but not funding(然后就福利问题给了我建议,但不是资金问题)”。因此作者写这篇文章的主要目的是抱怨她在获得资金时遇到的障碍。故选B项。
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