
Zachariah Fike has an unusual hobby. He finds old military(军队的)medals for sale

英语试题 05-20

【语篇导读】这是一篇人物故事类的记叙文,讲述Zachariah Fike有一个不同寻常的业余爱好:他在网上和古董店里寻找旧的军队勋章,然后将这些勋章归还它们的合法主人。文章主要叙述了他这一爱好的起源。
21. 本题为细节理解题。将题干中的Zac get a Purple Heart medal for himself定位在第二段,根据第二段中第二句的Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Heart- -he earned one himself in a war as a soldier. So when his mother gave him the medal, he knew right away what he had to do.可知,当Zac还是一名士兵的时候 ,在次战争中他获得了一枚Purple Heart. 故答案为A
22. 本题为细节理解题。题干中的Adeline drove to meet him定位在第三段,由"At that point, I knew she meant business, To drive eight hours to come to see me."可知“她开车8个小时过来看我, 她对于这件事是认真地,不是开玩笑的"。mean business认真的,与be serious同意,故答案为B.
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